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[ESC2009]抑制RAAS系统过程中对肾素直接抑制的优越性及作用机理--J L Zamorano Gomez教授访谈

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/10 15:22:00    加入收藏
 关键字:抑制RAAS系统 直接肾素抑制剂 倍博特 阿利吉仑 

International Circulation:  Regarding treatment with these new, direct renin inhibitors, much is discussed about plasma renin activity.  Can you explain this for us and provide some details about the mechanisms involved?


Professor Zamarano:  The levels of plasma renin activity have been shown to be a clear prognosis marker.  This then opens a new window in treating hypertensive patients with those new agents.  We have seen the advances of trials showing data which allows us to say that direct renin inhibitors are now a new element, a new treatment option to combat hypertension and help prevent organ damage.


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