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[EuroPCR 2012]联合无创影像学检查评估解剖结构和功能——瑞士Zurich大学医院Olivier Gämperli教授专访

作者:O.Gämperli 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/5/29 9:34:23    加入收藏
 关键字:CTO FFR O.Gämperli 慢性闭塞病变 

  International Circulation:  Chronic total occlusion (CTO) lesion leads to poor prognosis in CAD patients. How is the prospect of imaging technology in CTO intervention?
  Dr. Gämperli: That is a very good question since CTO are intrinsically are very difficult lesions to treat and we know that the treatment of these lesions are associated with a high number of complications, peri-interventional morbidty and even mortality. The proper selection of patients that will benefit from revascularisation of CTO is crucial because of the increased risk. Therefore non-invasive imaging techniques are very important particularly in patient with CTO to define the hemodynamic relevance of these lesions and to predict the benefit you will get from opening up the CTO’s.
  For example in our center in Switzerland, we require proof of ischemia for every patient who undergoes complex CTO procedure and prior to the invasive study. In our center it is a requirement. What we also do now is to combine CT with functional imaging techniques such as SPECT, which as I showed in my presentation really gives the spatial configuration of the CTO vessel, plus the ischemia associated with this lesion and that is very useful to target your intervention. It also gives you information about calcification inside the CTO, which may also be a predictor of success. So this combined non-invasive evaluation prior to the CTO revascularization is a very useful tool to plan your procedure, to reduce contrast and radiation and to have an optimal outcome.

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