
[AHA2010]降糖药物的心血管安全性——Kausik Ray教授专访

作者:  ProfessorKausikRay   日期:2010/11/17 15:18:01



  <International Circulation>:  Are there any agents on the horizon that may give you cause to pause?


  Professor Ray: Any drug that works on the incretin pathway appears to have beneficial effects on other factors like weight, for example, resulting in either weight neutrality or weight loss which is a major problem with most hyperglycemic agents we have and at least on lipid profile and maybe on blood pressure there may be slight improvements as well. Because we know the etiology of heart failure is also related to many of the risk factors for atherosclerosis, a combination of those effects may contribute. That doesn’t answer the glucose question though and is more of a strategy, as the drug may have multiple interventions.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

低血糖 降糖药物心力衰竭K.Ray

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